What do our Customers say about us?
“(…) Firma Stolbar Ryszard Oprychał showed highly professional approach and expertise while performing the works. The entrusted works were carried out in compliance with the best construction practices, good organisation principles and adherence to deadlines.” – Tadeusz Cegliński, Board President, Piramida Sp. z o.o.
“(…) I consider the cooperation to be very successful. The furniture is of very good quality and the whole project was completed on time. Firma Stolbar Ryszard Opyrchał stands out for its professionalism, commitment and excellent communication with the client. In conclusion, I recommend working with this company.” Marian Szmidt, co-owner.
“(…) Stolbar designed and manufactured both bar sets in a timely and careful manner, representing a high level of expertise and reliability while carrying out the contract. Any problems were dealt with quickly and without complaints. The bars are made of the highest quality materials as specified in the contract.” – Zbigniew Pasieka, General Manager of Integer – Hotel Tumski.
“We sincerely congratulate on the professional preparation and contact with the Client. Firma Stolbar is a recommendable contractor which conscientiously and professionally performs the commissioned work.” – Marzanna Przerada, Złote Arkady.
“(…) We would like to express our satisfaction with the delivery of the order placed with Stolbar Ryszard Opyrchał, consisting of the manufacture and installation of a bar counter for the teaching room at our school. All parts of the bodywork have been manufactured very carefully and present high quality. Despite the fact that the order was placed electronically and the personnel has not seen the interior before, the furniture was installed in a very efficient manner and, what is important, on time.” Marta Jeżewska, MA, Economic Manager of the Agricultural Training Centre School Complex.
Our testimonials
STOLBAR Ryszard Opyrchał
ul. Brodzka 8
34-130 Kalwaria Zebrzydowska
+48 660 486 876 (for english)
NIP: 5511123083
Regon: 070146120
Opening hours:
Mon – Fri 8:00 – 18:00
Saturday 8:00 – 14:00